Tillam, The Seventh-Day Sabbath
The Seventh-Day Sabbath

by Tho. Tillam


Introduction and pages 1-6
Pages 7-35
Pages 36-54
Pages 55-67
Pages 67-89
Pages 90-100
Pages 100-110
Pages 113-137
Pages 137-161
Pages 161-177
Pages 177-208



Page 67 The Solemn Season for Gospel Worship

The next thing is the special warrant for Christians to celebrate this holy day, which is four fold:

1. The Creator’s institution
2. The Redeemer’s confirmation
3. The Spirits approbation
4. The Saints observation

Which being confirmed by clear Scripture, will undoubtedly be fully satisfactory to all that are willing to embrace truth.


Page 68 The Ground of Obedience

Though the Great God be not engaged to give any account of His matters, yet behold his marvelous condescension in giving His creature not only a command, but the reason why he requires the solemn observation of this seventh day Sabbath (which cannot possibly (for this reason be changed) to any other day) For in six days Jehovah made the Heavens and the Earth, the Sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day, wherefore Jehovah blessed the Sabbath day, and sanctified it. (Gen. 2:2-3)

As our Lord Jesus sets forth the excellency of that universal decree of marriage made in Paradise for Adam (which is therefore honourable amongst men) even so does Jehovah lay the basis of our obedience to his holy Sabbath, in the first institution reducing us to the beginning, when first (as his first and his Saints best ordinance) He made the Sabbath for man; thereby engaging all mankind, both Jews and Gentiles to observe it,

Page 69 For All Adam's Posterity

upon which account the Israelites were bound not only to sanctify it themselves, but to see that all strangers within their gates did observe the same; a practice exemplary in holy Nehemiah (Neh. 13)

If then all Gentiles when but resident in Palestine, were required to rest on God’s Sabbath, whiles they were Aliens to the Commonwealth of Israel, much more are we now engaged, being fellow Citizens with the Saints and of God’s family.

INSTITUTION: The Authority then (with its equity) universally obliging all Adam’s posterity to observe the seventh day Sabbath, purely springs from God’s holy rest and Divine institution, after the World’s creation, which being not made only for Israel, but for all people, I appeal to all conscientious understanding Christians (that presume not to destroy the reason of the fourth Commandment) whether all mankind be not hence obliged to observe the very 7th day Sabbath, who enjoy the benefit of the creation.

God has not only vouchsafed his children such a precious precept with the ground of it, but is graciously pleased to make Himself a perfect precedent in observing this seventh day Sabbath. A most pure pattern for his Saints to work by; a most clear copy for His

Page 70 The Perfect Precedent

Scholars to write after; and let such as desire to be Godly (that is God-like) follow their first and fairest example. The spirit of Christ in the Gospel enjoins us to Be followers of God as dear children; To be holy as He is holy, pure as He is pure. Eph 5:7

Impure persons pollute the Sabbath, but the holy God sanctifies and observes it, that his dear children may follow him in it. Shall we pretend to press after godlike purity, and yet slight God’s example in this sweet solemnity? Why God’s precedent is the most absolute pattern of all perfection; the best of men may fail, and be outstripped by their followers; but who so makes the perfect God his pattern, still presses forward, and has still more perfections before him, which allures the growing mounting soul from grace to grace, and so to glory.

Since then the blessed Creator so completed every creature in six days, that he might immediately consecrate and celebrate the seventh day Sabbath for man’s example; let not man think to be wiser than his Maker, either in presuming to change his holy day, or pretending a spiritual observance in a literal disobedience. Can poor worms, dust and ashes, conceive a way to be more spiritual then God our Father? Can Satan suggest a precedent more perfect than Perfection itself?

Page 71 Paradise' Perfection

Be not righteous overmuch, but learn of the lawgiver, who in expounding his own Law, sums up all in this instruction, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Mat. 5:48) This is in quality, though equality is utterly impossible. Wherefore let the very seventh day which your heavenly Father has separated by His instruction, benediction, and celebration, be your constant observation, that in this point you may be perfect EVEN as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Here it appears plainly with what full authority the blessed seventh day Sabbath is established even from the Word’s foundation: So that it may well be owned as a foundation Oracle instituted and observed by God Himself. The royal Psalmist elegantly sings, “That God’s foundations are in the Holy Mountains; (Ps. 87:1) And certainly this Royal Law is thus gloriously founded; for as it was the first statute decreed by Jehovah, so its foundation (as has been shown) was first laid in that pure pleasant Eden Paradise, where God rested, and inseparably united the Sabbath to the seventh day.

The second Holy Mountain wherein God established this foundation truth, was Mount Sinai, made glorious by the terrible Majesty of the Lord descending with shrill trumpet,

Page 72 The Glorious Mountians

in dreadful tempests, thunder and lightning; where with a lively voice he immediately delivered the lively Oracle, crowning this Seventh day Sabbath with the very same honour and dignity as the other nine Royal statutes, and recording the same in Tables of stone, which by His new covenant he writes in renewed hearts. So if Christian’s stand obliged to those ten Commandments as so many lively Oracles committed to the Jews to be given unto us, and that we shall do well in observing these royal Laws according to the Scripture (Romans 3:2, Acts 7:38; James 2:8) That is, according as God himself has written them; then must this very seventh day Sabbath (as one of those Royal Laws) be for ever observed by saints without alteration or diminution; and the rather, since this foundation oracle obtains confirmation in the third glorious holy Mountain, even in the heights of Gospel Zion, where the very same seventh day Sabbath instituted by the Father is established by the Son; which is the second point proposed, wherein I shall prove that the seventh day Sabbath sanctified by Jehovah, is ratified by Jesus upon a two fold account.

1. He owns it by His Words
2. He crowns it by His Works.

And if this be cleared, then surely Christians should carefully observe it both in word and work.

Page 73 The Whole Law Established

1. He owns it by His Words

Our blessed Redeemer confirms the seventh day Sabbath by His Word more generally amongst the rest of these Royal Statutes which he assures us shall continue in every tittle (not so much as one Hebrew point to be diminished or altered) till the heavens be no more, and the earth be removed, and all be completed and fulfilled. Christian turn to your Bible, and behold with horror the dreadful doom which thy Redeemer has denounced against such as shall transgress the least of His Laws and teach others to be disobedient. (Mat. 5:18-19)

O how dangerous is the disobedience to this duty, seeing it is undeniable that the Seventh day Sabbath is a tittle, and more than a tittle of the Royal Law, the willful offense of one point whereof renders the Rebel a transgressor of all God’s Law. Suppose the Sabbath were the least Command, yet says Christ our King, He that breaks and bids others break the least of these Commandments shall be cut off from God’s Kingdom. (James 2:8,10; Mat. 5:19, Act 3:23)

Neither does Christ in flesh (that is, whiles the ceremonial Law was in full force) alone confirm the whole moral Law; but even since his ascension, He, by His Holy Spirit moves His Apostle to establish the whole and every part of the ten words; “Do we then make void the Law through faith (asks Paul) God forbid: yea we establish the law. (Rom. 3:31) This cannot be the ceremonial law Christ having utterly abolished all those beggarly elements.

Page 74 Each Tittle Tryed

It must be only that holy, just, good, spiritual Law which ends with this Command, Thou shalt not covet. (Rom. 7:7,12,14) And not in part is this Law perpetuated, but in every point (says the Apostle Jam. 2:10) And therefore let such as after warning slight the seventh day Sabbath, make sure work that it be no point of that Law whose every jot and tittle is established by Christ and His Apostles.

And yet after this full confirmation how fain would vain contentious flesh find out a device to live in disobedience to that precious heavenly Law! For ‘tis objected that Christ has not expressly and particularly established the fourth Commandment and therefore it may be no sin to slight the seventh day Sabbath.

By this reasoning the Papists may excuse all their Idolatry, since Christ has not expressly and particularly confirmed the second Commandment; and therefore they may as lawfully make and worship Images, as we may profane the seventh day Sabbath. ‘Tis sad, to strengthen Antichrist’s lewdness by weakening Christ’s Law.

2. He crowns it with His Works

Christ has confirmed every tittle and his Apostles every point of the Royal Law, will not this suffice?

Page 75 Christ's Care

If not, behold the kindness of Christ condescending to our weakness, showing us as it were the very print of the nails, fastening his Seventh day Sabbath forever as a foundation Oracle, not only in Eden and Sinai, but in the beauty of Zion; for he does expressly own the seventh day Sabbath particularly with the honour that none other Law enjoys, professedly acknowledging it to be His Sabbath , proclaiming Himself Lord of it, and most punctually observing it; yea, solemnly averring that He came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it. And indeed this spotless Lamb did faithfully fulfill this Law of the Sabbath (as the rest) without the least violation of any tittle, even then when those presumptuous spirits charged him; He checking their blind conceit, who thought that Man was made for the Sabbath, and informs them that the Sabbath was made for Man, and not Man for the Sabbath; (that I, for man’s benefit and comfort both body and soul,) even as the Laws of a Nation are made for the subjects, and not subjects for the Laws. And further He completes His answer to their false accusation by proclaiming Himself Lord of the Sabbath; as if He should say, The Sabbath is mine, I am the Lord of it, I made it for Man that he should sanctify it, and therefore having given Man a precept and pattern to keep it. (See Mark 2:27-28)

Page 76 The Lord of the Sabbath

I shall not make myself a precedent to profane it, as you superstitiously suppose. Certainly Christ’s engagement to fulfill it to the least jot or tittle with his professed owning of it, claim to it, and care for it as its Lord; is the fullest confirmation that can possibly be desired.

That which Christ lays claim to as Lord, must needs be confessed to be His, esteemed and honored as His; the Bride is His, for He is her Lord; the Harvest is His, Heaven and Earth is His, the Angels are His, and all to be esteemed His who is proclaimed Lord of all. (Psalm 49) Therefore we celebrate the holy Supper, because ‘tis the Lord’s Supper; and therefore we ought to sanctify the Holy Sabbath because He declares Himself Lord of the Sabbath: He gave it the institution when he made the world, he gave it confirmation when he redeemed the world, and His saints must endeavor to observe every jot and title of it to the end of the world.

For as he does expressly own His holy day, in asserting himself Lord of the Sabbath, so he takes special care by particular instruction, that His Saints might avoid the violation of this rest on earth, even while he himself should rest triumphantly in Heaven; wherefore after His predictions of the approaching calamities of His rebellious Nation, He directs

Page 77 The Forty Years Prayer

His dear Disciples when to depart from those direful miseries; but especially, to be importunate in prayer for forty years together, that they might not be forced to flee in the winter, for then the foul ways and short days would make it irksome to their bodies, especially to pregnant and nursing mothers; and no less was the care of this tender Shepherd to the souls of His Saints, (whom he bears in His bosom) as also to the sanctity of his Sabbath, (Matt. 24:15) and therefore adds this petition to their forty years prayer, that they might not be put to flight on the Sabbath day, to the dishonor of God and trouble of their spirits, in profaning the sacred season for the preservation of their bodies, which was designed for the sweetening of their souls in Hearing, Prayer, and Praise, amidst the precious societies of Gospel Saints.

It cannot easily be imagined that Christ should be so careful in securing His Sabbath, had it been ceremonial, at such time as all ceremonies were abolished by Apostolic Proclamation.

And yet it is imagined (and the best is but imagined) that the Disciples were only warned of fleeing on the Sabbath by way of prevention of Jewish persecution?

Page 78 The Sabbath Crowned

And can it be conceived rationally that Vespasian’s armies and Titus’ Ensigns should strike no more terror then that the Jews in stead of securing themselves should trifle away their time in persecuting the Christians.

Had their flight been on the Sabbath, yet seeing they were not to carry anything (no not even their clothes) they could not be counted transgressors.

Moreover, so superstitious were the Jews that they dared not fight for their life upon the Sabbath, much less persecute others; and therefore this could not be intended by our Savior; but his sole design was to have his seventh day Sabbath sanctified by His Disciples.

And as our Redeemer thus generally and particularly owned the Sabbath by His holy word, so he gloriously crowned it (above all other days) by His mighty works, (Mat.. 12: 10-11, Luke 13:10-16) Such miracles as never man wrought. If then those cities were most honoured and engaged where his mighty works were done, upon the same account is the day to be most highly esteemed, which Christ crowned with his greatest wonders. God forbid that Gospel Saints should side with envious Sadducees, in reproaching our Savior for putting forth His glory on that blessed day, but rather with heightened affections, let that Sabbath be religiously celebrated whereon such divine virtue was showed.

Page 79 The Glorious Mysteries

Neither does our great Exemplar cease here to honour His Sabbath but having owned it by His word, and crowned it with His works, His constant care both in life and death was to leave a lively precedent for his people.

His constant custom during life is visible to all that can read the fourth Chapter of Saint Luke’s Gospel and for his cessation from his work of redemption the same day of the week and time of the day that the Father ceased from His work of Creation, entering exactly into His rest on the Sabbath, as God did. This is such a mysterious discovery and full confirmation of the seventh day Sabbath, as forever binds all believers by a double obligation, to this sweet soul refreshing duty, of which more may be spoken in due time. This may suffice abundantly for the confirmation of the Seventh day Sabbath by our blessed Savior.

The third thing promised, is his approbation of that holy Spirit which was appointed by the Savior of souls to be a constant guide to God’s people. So that whatsoever this blessed Spirit shall approve of, we may safely receive as tried gold weighed in the balance of the sanctuary, and rest upon it as infallible truth.

Three things will fully evince the Holy Spirits approbation of the seventh day Sabbath.

Page 80 An High Encomium (Praise)

1. His high Encomium (Praise)
2. His mighty operation
3. His constant appellation (act of appealing)

1. His high applause given to the pious women’s practice of resting according to the Commandment is a full proof of divine approbation. (Luke 23:56) For though they celebrated the Sabbath upon Christ’s crucifixion, yet Saint Luke was not inspired to write his Gospel till after Christ’s ascension, as is evident in his preface, and confessed by our learned adversaries. “That divers years after when “all Levitical institutions lost their power of binding the whole law, and each principle thereof does bind all under the gospel.”

If then such praise were given to the holy women’s celebration, that the Spirit so long after records it to their honor (That they rested the Sabbath day according to the Commandment); let the conclusion of the parable be the obedient souls instruction, God and do thou likewise. (Luke 10:37) Set to the Sabbaths observation according to the Commandment, if you would have like praise of God’s Spirit. Though this might satisfy a willing soul, yet others see such a measure of self-denial required in this duty, that either God must stoop to their arms in recording the celebration of the 7th day Sabbath after Christ’s ascension, or else they will not obey.

Page 81 Unveiled Ministries

Well, the blessed Spirit sweetly condescends, and by the most glorious manifestation and wonderful operation that ever visited the earth, confirms the seventh day Sabbath. For it was upon this blessed day that he gloriously descended upon the Apostles, to the amazement of men; for though Antichrist has long deceived us, and we have taken it upon trust, that Pentecost was upon the first day of the Week, which he has long honored with Whitson, Ales, Wakes, and May games; yet in plowing up the truth with God’s heifer, we shall find such treasures of long unveiled mysteries in this renowned day, as can never sufficiently be admired.

And the first mystery that displays itself, lies in the institution of the Feast called Pentecost, or the fiftieth day; for as the fiftieth day after the first Passover and wonderful deliverance from the Egyptian furnace, the Spirit descended in fire upon Sinai,(Ex. 19:18) to instruct the twelve Tribes of Israel; even so the fiftieth day (most exactly) after Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us, and had wrought our mighty deliverance from that worse than Egyptian bondage, did the same eternal spirit descend in fire upon Sion, to inspire the twelve Apostles of the Lamb. (Heb. 2:14,15)

Page 82 Penticost

And surely this harmonious descent upon the fiftieth day both at Sinai and Sion; cannot but be soul ravishing satisfaction to the religious Christian, for the confirmation of his faith in the true Messiah. As also this marvelous dispensation upon the seventh day Sabbath, cannot but affect his heart with this royal rst which the Spirit so eminently approves by his superlative presence.

And this clearing of this fiftieth day to be the seventh day Sabbath will open more divine mysteries, as so many coals from the Altar to inflame our affections; for hence we shall behold the sheaf of first fruits waved, and that lamb without spot so fairly sacrificed in our blessed Savior, as will make every Babe in Christ a sufficient Arithmetician) in numbering the fifty days to find out the seventh day Sabbath.

The institution of this Feast of Pentecost is recorded by Moses, who from God appointed Israel to bring (on the morrow after their Passover Sabbath) (Lev. 23:9-15 Deut. 16:9) a sheaf of their first fruits to be waved by the Priest before the Lord; and to offer the same day a lamb without blemish to the Lord.

And from that very day to count seven Sabbath or Weeks,

Page 83 Sheaf and Lamb

And the morrow after the seventh Week was the Feast of Pentecost or the fiftieth day. And this numbering of seven Weeks or fifty days, is still observed by the Jews, who every night when the stars arise, say a prayer and conclude: Today are so many days past of the Omer. And here let the Believer (who sees all types ended in Christ) with confidence behold his dying Redeemer as the undoubted sheaf of first fruits, waved upon the Cross by the crucifying Priests, the very morrow after he had eaten the Passover; and for the Lamb without blemish (to be offered the same day) behold the spotless lamb of God taking away the sins of the world.

And after admiration of this complete Saviour, in whom all these mysteries (which point out this true Messiah) are fully accomplished, Let us number fifty days or seven full Weeks according to the rule: that is, from the day that the sheaf and lamb were offered. Now our sheaf of first fruits and lamb without spot, is known to every Babe to be offered up on the sixth day of the Week commonly called Good Friday, from which day we must number fifty days or seven full Weeks,

Page 84 Seven Weeks Completed

The morrow after the seventh Week is the fiftieth day, called Pentecost; and because we have been so long deceived of our true Sabbath by Antichrist, and that his Image would still persuade us his Sunday is the day of Pentecost, I shall take the tender Lambs of Christ by the hand, and if they have no readier Arithmetic, let them but take an Almanac and number seven weeks or fifty days, and see with their own eyes whether the fiftieth day be the seventh day Sabbath, from the day that our sheaf of first fruits and Lamb without spot was offered.

As thus, Good Friday (so called) is the known day from which we must begin our account of seven complete weeks or fifty days and the first of these fifty days is Saturday (as Heathens term it) and the following Friday is the end of the first week, which makes seven complete days:
The second Friday is the 14th day.
The third Friday is the 21st day.
The fourth Friday is the 28th day.
The fifth Friday is the 35th day.
The sixth Friday is the 42nd day.
The seventh Friday is the 49th day.
Making up seven complete weeks: And the

Page 85 The Dove Descends

fiftieth day (being the morrow after the seventh week) must undeniably be granted the World’s Saturday, and the saints seventh day Sabbath, upon which Sabbath the Apostles were assembled, with one accord in one place, when the eternal Spirit gave full testimony to that Royal solemnity with the highest approbation that ever was given to any assembly of Saints; and the unspotted virgin spouse of the Lamb, did sweetly celebrate the most glorious Sabbath that ever Church enjoyed; for here heaven and earth accord, mutually inviting each other. Here the promised Spirit says come, with his quickening motions inviting the Saints to assemble themselves upon his holy Sabbath.

And here the lovely Bride says come, purposely presenting her self on God’s seventh day Sabbath, in expectation of this glorious power from on high: What then should hinder the desired inspiration? Christ’s promise is engaged, his saints are solemnly assembled, in a season sanctified, their unanimous supplications are continued, their hopes are heightened, and down comes the eternal Dove with a sudden sound from heaven, as a rushing mighty wind, filling the house,

Page 86 The Day of Delights

And furnishing all their hearts with Divine abilities to publish the Gospel of Christ to all Nations under heaven.

Thus while the saints are actuated by the Spirit’s operation, the seventh day Sabbath is crowned with the highest approbation, thousands this day were convinced, converted, baptized, incorporated and with transcendent joys transported, feeding like Lambs in the fresh pastures, closing this blessed seventh day Sabbath with the incomparable feast of the Lord’s Supper, and sacramental union into one entire body by breaking of bread. O what a day of wonder is the Lord’s true Sabbath!

Instituted in Eden, advanced at Sinai, owned and crowned by Christ, and thus highly approved by His Spirit in Zion: a day of marvelous mysteries, a day of manifold mercies. Was ever day honoured like Jehovah’s Sabbath? The Lord Jesus’ Sabbath? The Holy Spirit's Sabbath? Which therefore must be the Saint's Sabbath?

I have been the more exact and free even to the shallowest capacity in opening these mysteries, that Christians may clearly discern the deceits of the little Horn, in changing Times as well as Laws; persuading poor souls to live by an implicit faith, in taking his WhitSunday upon trust for the day of Pentecost, as is still pressed by Parish preachers to shuffle off the renowned seventh day Sabbath.

Page 87 The Highest Glory

But some seeing they can no longer delude the people, it being so apparent that the day of Pentecost was the very Seventh day Sabbath, yet devise to detain them longer in disobedience, objecting, that though the day of Pentecost was the Sabbath, yet the Saints assembled upon the other days, as appears in Acts 1:14

It’s indeed declared that they continued with one accord in prayer, but it’s not attested they were constantly together in one place.

“Tis not likely they did watch all those ten nights, and as improbable that they all lodged together.

But this is manifest, that very early upon the fiftieth day they were unanimously and solemnly assembled in one place, which is not affirmed in that solemn manner of the other days’ neither was any day like this honoured with the conversion of souls, this and no day before did they break bread together; yea, many signal tokens of Divine approbation have (beyond all dispute) advanced the glory of this day above all other days.

Page 88 Morals and Ceremonials

But ‘tis further objected, that the ceremonial day of Pentecost is as much honored as the seventh day Sabbath?

1. The apostles might observe Pentecost as a ceremony not yet buried, yet undeniably they would much more honour the Royal Sabbath: No ceremony was ever esteemed like the Law of the Ten Commandments.

2. This objection was never made against WhitSunday, till the glory of God’s Sabbath discovered the vanity of that Anti-Christian invention. But—

3. We must learn to distinguish between Ceremonial and Moral; both are not alike consumed when they are together mentioned: The Apostles preached and prayed in the Temple, yet are they not of equal authority: The Royal Sabbath is indeed mentioned with New Moons and sacrifices; but it is no more rejected than Prayer and the prayer hearing God, which are mentioned together.

A third objection is newly made by Mr. Aspinwal, who grants Pentecost to be indeed the seventh day, but thinks the word { symplçroô} translated [fully come] should rather be rendered [fully past]. Whence he would persuade that the Spirit did not descend upon the true day of Pentecost, but upon the Jews false day of Pentecost, which he says was the first day of the week.

Page 89 The Seventh Day the True Pentecost

1. The Greek (being a Gerund in Do) signifies (fulfilling) and most certain it is, that as the saints were fulfilling the true Pentecost on the seventh day, the Spirit of Christ descended early upon them.

2. His great mistakes are manifest in that our Lord Jesus [who was punctual ( as He grants to His own law)] exactly celebrated the Passover upon the 5th day, the Jews on the 7th day, and such distance must needs be at the true and false Pentecost; the true on the 7th day; the false would not be, as he asserts on the first day, but on the second day, so that his supposition of all those wonders which he would have done on the Jew’s Pentecost do utterly vanish; and the glory of the 7th day Sabbath whereon those mighty things were wrought (as I have convincingly proved) is more abundantly confirmed, seeing he himself grants: (page 34) That those actions of the Spirits effusion , glorious conversion, baptism, breaking bread, etc. are signal characters of our Christian Sabbath.

Thus while we seek for wisdom (Pr. 2:4) in God’s way of counting His numbers, we find the ancient Sabbath of the Lord our God within the mysterious number of Pentecost, which saints should esteem as highly approved by the Spirits glorious manifestation.


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